Guidelines for Visitors

The Regional Parks Botanic Garden is a beautiful living museum. Please respect its mission by following our rules:

A silk moth emerges from its chrysalis at the garden Photo Rosie Andrews

A silk moth emerges from its chrysalis at the garden
Photo Rosie Andrews

  • Walk on paths or lawns, not in plant beds.
  • Stay off rocks.
  • Provide adult supervision for children at all times.

The following activities are prohibited:

  • Removing plant parts or specimens
  • Removing gravel, rocks, or soil
  • Bringing dogs into the garden, except service dogs
  • Riding bicycles (park and lock your bike at the bike stand next to the parking lot)
  • Climbing trees or shrubs
  • Throwing frisbees, balls, etc.
  • Playing loud music
  • Running

Recently, coyotes have been seen in the Garden. We welcome them in the garden to hunt, but we want to make sure they don’t get too comfortable around people. Do not feed them; a fed coyote is a dead coyote! With that in mind, if you encounter a coyote within 50 feet and it does not move away on its own, here are ways you can haze/intimidate the animal to help it retain a fear of humans:

  • Be as big and loud as possible; shout in a deep, loud, and aggressive voice.
  • Wave your arms and throw small objects (to scare, not injure).
  • Maintain eye contact, which makes them uncomfortable and timid.
  • If the coyote continues to approach, do not run or turn your back on the coyote, but continue to exaggerate the above gestures while backing away slowly.
  • See Coyotes in the Presidio for more information about keeping coyotes wild.

During the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, please follow the EBRPD Covid-19 Guidelines as they pertain to the Garden.

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