Manzanita Quarterly

Friends of the Regional Parks Botanic Garden receive the quarterly publication Manzanita as a benefit of membership. Regular features include articles about the Botanic Garden and aspects of California plant life written by botanists, horticulturists, and other prominent native plant experts.

Manzanita has been published since 1997. Issues from 2014 onward are available as free downloads (see list below), except for the four most recent issues, which are only available to current members of the Friends organization. To review specific back issues at the Botanic Garden, you can make an appointment by contacting Many back issues of Manzanita are available for purchase. Contact for more information.

Volume 28-1&2, Winter Spring 2024
Chen, May "Life and Death on Milkweeds"
Séquin, Margareta "Milkweeds: Their ‘Milk’ and Their Poisons"
Squitieri, Michelle "Gardening for Monarchs and Other Pollinators"

Volume 27-3&4, Summer Fall 2023
Wijeyesekera, Susan "Rebuilding the Garden’s Pond: The First Friends Project"
Wijeyesekera, Susan "The Pond—A Photo Essay"
Wijeyesekera, Susan "An Interview with Fisheries Biologist Ed Culver"
Ingalls, Maggie "Counting Trout in Wildcat Creek"

Volume 27-2, Spring 2023
Fawcett, Susan "Recent Discoveries in California Fern Diversity"
Kidder, Allison "Gardening with Gametophytes: Fern Reproduction and Propagation"
Edelson, David "Common Ferns of the East Bay"

Volume 27-1, Winter 2023
Wijeyesekera, Susan "Behind the Scenes with the Volunteer Plant Propagators"
Wahl, Diana "Fifteen Years with the Volunteer Propagators"
Gonzales, Rosalie "Redesigning the Nursery Annex"
Ingalls, Maggie "Plant Sales Then and Now"

Volume 26-4, Fall 2022
Wijeyesekera, Susan "2022—A Year of Celebrations"
Wijeyesekera, Susan "The August 20 Awards and Crevice Garden Celebration"
Sherertz, David "We Celebrate a Trio of Honors"
Springer, Alicia "Notable Namesakes: Who Are Liberty Hyde Bailey and Francis Cabot?"
O'Brien, Bart "Sierran Alpines in the Berkeley Hills: Context for Our New Crevice Garden"
Uhler, Michael "Shaped by Ted"
Wijeyesekera, Susan "2020 Docent Training Class Celebrates Graduation—in 2022!"
Kidder, Allison "In Memoriam: We Celebrate the Lives of Two Singular Garden Volunteers"
Haugh, Holly "The Friends Advocacy Committee Invites You to Dream"

Volume 26-3, Summer 2022
Springer, Alicia "Family Rosaceae, California Wild and Domesticated"
Potter, Dan "Diversity of the Rose Family (Rosaceae)"
Prunier, Rachel and Thomas, Laurel "Toyon with Our Hearts"

Volume 26-2, Spring 2022
Columbus, J. Travis "California’s Wild Buckwheats"
Bittner, Liz "Buckwheats of the Channel Islands"
Uhler, Michael "Buckwheats of the High Sierra"

Volume 25-4, 26-1 Fall 2021 Winter 2022
Kauffmann, Michael "Whitebark Pine In California"
Bittner, Liz "The Pines of California’s Channel Islands"
Keator, Glenn "Introduction to the Conifers at the Regional Parks Botanic Garden"
O'Brien, Bart "California’s Gymnosperms: Conifers by Another Name"
Debreczy, Zsolt "Pollen and The Pollination Drop: California’s Conifers 'In Bloom'"
Canary, Emerald "Pilgrim in Coniferland"

Volume 25-3 Summer 2021
Kidder, Allison "Serpentine: Of Rare Rocks and Botanical Varieties"
Jensen, Nick "Walker Ridge: The Fight to Preserve What is Precious"
Keator, Glenn "Two Wildflower Hotspots on the Tiburon Peninsula"

Volume 25-2 Spring 2021
Anderson, Ben "A Gardener's Primer on California Native Lilies"
Anderson, Ben "Hybrids: From Luther Burbank to DIY"
Ingalls, Maggie "The Lemon Lily -- a Rare Beauty"
Clark, Joseph "Lilies, A Personal Quest"
Andrews, Rosie "A Gift for the Garden"

Volume 25-1 Winter 2021
Uhler, Michael "Our New Crevice-Style Rock Display: A Showcase for Alpine Plants"
Kretschmer, Doris "The Friends and the Garden: A Case of Mutualism"

Volume 24-4 Fall 2020
O'Brien, Bart "2020 -- The Most Unusual Year in the Regional Parks Botanic Garden"
Andrews, Rosie "While We Were Away: Life in the Virtual Garden Community"
Fitanides, Theo "Cloudy Reflections"
Perko, Cheryl "On the Garden Community"
Hsu, Wen "Rarity Breeds Passion"
Keator, Glenn "A Docent Program for the Garden"
Weydemeyer, Idell "Become a Docent! You'll Enrich Your Life and the Lives of Others"
Ingalls, Maggie "Why I Love Being a Docent"
Gonzales, Rosalie; Westil, Roz; Cheney-Cohen, Renee; Martin, Joan; and Madsen, Ingrid "Native People and Plants Docents are Learning as Well as Teaching"
Levine, Beth "The California Native People and Plants Tour is a Gift to My 4th Graders"

Volume 24-2&3 Spring Summer 2020
Kretschmer, Doris "A Brief History of Botanical Illustration: From Codex Vindobonensis To California"
Perko, Cheryl "What's in a Name? Botanical Illustration, Botanical Art, and Flower Painting"
Kretschmer, Doris "Two Careers in Botanical Illustration: Conversations with Linda Ann Vorobik and Kristin Jakob"
Kretschmer, Doris "The Garden's own..."
Kretschmer, Doris "Historical Images from Californian Botanical Artists"
Morrison, Dolores "The Challenge of Green"
Kretschmer, Doris "Botanic Garden Receives its First National Award"

Volume 24-1 Winter 2020
Wilson, Carol "Pacific Coast Irises, a Lineage With High Diversity in California"
Walker, Ken "Some Trends in Pacific Coast Iris Hybridization"
Ponte, Jean-Paul "The Flower and the Fly"
O'Brien, Bart "Ted Kipping 1945-2019"
O'Brien, Bart "John D. Rusk 1937-2019"

Volume 23-4 Fall 2019
Andrews, Rosie "This Year in the Garden"
O'Brien, Bart "A Banner Year for Field Work"
Fitanides, Theo "Low Desert Collecting"
O'Brien, Bart "The Regional Park Botanic Garden's New Crevice Garden"
Ingalls, Maggie "Catching Up With Botanic Garden Supervisor Liz Bittner"
Panek, Jeanne; Cohen, Renee; Gonzales, Rosalie; Helms, John; Madsen, Ingrid; Westil, Rosalinde "Urban Kids in the Botanic Garden -- The California Native People and Plants Program"
Ingalls, Maggie "Field Trip to Lake Winnemucca With Bart O'Brien"

Volume 23-2&3 Spring Summer 2019
Kidder, Allison G. "Re-wilding Landscapes Through Restoration"
Keator, Glenn "On Mitigating Rare Plant Habitats"
Kidder, Allison G. "Restoring Coastal Sand Dunes at Abbotts Lagoon, Point Reyes National Seashore"
Kidder, Allison G. "Restoring Drakes Estero: A Journey Back to Eelgrass"
Schneider, Glen "Skyline Gardens Restoration Project"
Himes, Ken "Thirty Years of Habitat Restoration Work at Edgewood Park and Natural Preserve"
Ingalls, Maggie "The Bradley Method"
Heiple, Paul "The Edgewood Weeders"

Volume 23-1 Winter 2019
Hammond, Michele "Pallid Manzanita and the Maritime Chaparral Community"
Ingalls, Maggie "Adventures in Bed 103"
Bartosh, Heath "Status of Pallid Manzanita"

Volume 22-4 Fall 2018
O'Brien, Bart "The Arctostaphylos andersonii-auriculata Complex in the Greater Bay Area"
Miller, Donald G. III "A Tale of Manzanita Gall Aphids from Butte County"
Andrews, Rosie "Missing Two Great Friends"

Volume 22-3 Summer 2018
Keator, Glenn "Hesperocyparis, the Western Cypress"
O’Brien, Bart "The Four Hesperocyparis Species of Baja California"
Keator, Glenn "California’s Other Cypress Family Genera"
Fitanides, Theo "Champion Cypress"

Volume 22-2 Spring 2018
Keator, Glenn "Flowers: Plant Evolution's Most Valuable Invention"
Chen, May "The Buzz in My Garden"
Ashley, Susan "Propagation Notes"
Andrews, Rosie "Seed Banking of Two Rare Clarkias"

Volume 22-1 Winter 2018
Kidder, Allison G. "First There Were Field Trips, Then There Were Friends"
Dahl, Joe "My Latest Trip up the Smith River"
Ingalls, Maggie "Docent Enrichment at King Ranch, a Solano Land Trust Property"
Litton, Pattie "Dr. Glenn Keator, Plant Taxonomist Extraordinaire"
Keator, Glenn "Botanic Garden Supervisor Joe Dahl Retires"
Kidder, Allison G. "Ron Clendenen: Propagator with Deep Roots"
Springer, Alicia "John Rusk, Botanic Garden Chronicler"

Volume 21-4 Fall 2017
Keator, Glenn "Year of the Superbloom"
For more 2017 superbloom photos, see the online photo gallery.
Agnew, Susan "A Brief History of the Seedy Friends"

Volume 21-3 Summer 2017
Hogan, Sean "Lewisias in Captivity"
Séquin, Margareta (Greti) "Delicate Colors and Bitter Roots of Lewisia"
Case, Bob "Lewisia: A Spectacular Plant"
Andrews, Rosie "Manzanita: Then and Now"
Keator, Glenn "Lewisia, Revered For Rock Gardens"

Volume 21-2 Spring 2017
Hayes, Annie "Easy-Pleasing Clarkias"
Case, Bob "Clarkia: What's in a Name?"
Keator, Glenn "Clarkia, a Beautiful Genus for California Gardens"
O'Brien, Bart "A Selection of Clarkia Species to See at the Regional Parks Botanic Garden"

Volume 21-1 Winter 2017
Burge, Dylan O. "Botanical Diversity of the California Floristic Province"
O' Brien, Bart "An Alternative California Floristic Province"
Keator, Glenn "The California Floristic Province. What Is It?"

Volume 20-4 Fall 2016
O'Brien, Bart "A Small Botanic Garden with Many Groves of Trees. Part 2: Our Redwood Groves"
Ambrose, Anthony "The View from the Top: Recent Insights from Coast Redwood Forest Canopy Science"
Keator, Glenn "Redwood Forests, Living Under The World’s Tallest Trees"
The Californian Redwood Genera: Sequoia and Americus! by Bart O'Brien
More interesting materials on Coast Redwoods and a bibliography of research papers related to Dr. Ambrose’s article

Volume 20-3 Summer 2016
McCabe, Stephen "The Mysteries of Growing and Studying Liveforevers"
O'Brien, Bart "Agave!"
Springer, Alicia "How CAM Photosynthesis Helps Succulents Conserve Water"
Keator, Glenn "The Other Crassulaceae, the Family of Stonecrops"

Volume 20-2 Spring 2016
Gerritsen, Mary E. and Ronald L. Parsons "Bay Area Beauties: A selection of Calochortus species found in the Greater Bay Area"
O'Brien, Bart "Growing Calochortus"
Keator, Glenn "Calochortus: Bulbs Like No Other"
Gerritsen, Mary E. and Ronald L. Parsons "Calochortus venustus, Nature’s Bountiful Gift of Beauty"
Special Web supplement: Bay Area Beauties online photo gallery. More beautiful Calochortus photos by Mary Gerritsen and Ron Parsons.

Volume 20-1 Winter 2016
Keator, Glenn "The Multicultural Native Garden: A New Paradigm"
O'Brien, Bart "A Matter of Taste"
Andrews, Rosie "Two 75th Anniversary Celebrations"

Volume 19-3&4 Summer Fall 2015
Lowry, Judith Larner "Stories from the Seedbank"
Andrews, Rosie "Rock Garden Opening"
Keator, Glenn "Seeds: "The Key to Success for the Land Plants"
Rosenthal, Sue "Starting from Seed at Native Here Nursery: A Conversation with Charli Danielson"
O'Brien, Bart "A New Statewide Long-term Seed Banking Project"

Volume 19-1&2 Anniversary Issue Winter Spring 2015 (A Special Issue of the Manzanita Celebrating the Garden’s 75th Anniversary)
O’Brien, Bart "A Small Botanic Garden with Many Groves of Trees"
Edwards, Stephen W., as told to Sue Rosenthal "Thoughts from the Third Director"
Kent, Jerry "The Botanic Garden Controversy of 1965 and the Founding of CNPS"
Lane, Beverly "Thoughts on the Seventy-fifth"
Greenberg, Katherine, Founding President "The Founding of the Friends of the Regional Parks Botanic Garden"
Johnson, Bertram G. "My Fledgling Year with Jim"
Dahl, Joe "Some of my Times with Wayne"
Keator, Glenn "Regional Parks Botanic Garden: More than a Collection of Beautiful California Native Plants"

Volume 18-3 Fall 2014
Keator, Glenn “Phenomenal Phenology”
Ingalls, Maggie “The California Phenology Project”
O’Brien, Bart “News from the Garden — September, 2014″

Volume 18-2 Summer 2014
Keator, Glenn “California’s High Mountain Fastnesses: The Alpine Zone”
O’Brien, Bart “My Favorite Mountains”
Uhler, Michael “Alpines in Berkeley”

Volume 18-1 Spring 2014
Burge, Dylan O. “Ceanothus Diversity in California”
O’Brien, Bart “Beginnings”
Fross, David “In Search of a Perfect Blue: A Brief History of Ceanothus Cultivation”
Keator, Glenn “Beyond Ceanothus in the Buckthorn Family”

Volume 17-4, Winter 2014
Johnson, Bert “Winter’s Best Bloomers: Manzanitas in the Regional Parks Botanic Garden”
Keator, Glenn “Smaller Plants to Bring Winter Drama to the Garden”
Cohen, Jocelyn and Alma Hecht “Trees and Shrubs for Winter Interest”

Volume 17-3, Fall 2013
Burge, Dylan O. “Aridity and the California Flora: Remarkable Adaptations to a Unique Climate”
Dahl, Joe “Thanks to the Friends”
Keator, Glenn “Drought-Tolerant Plants in the Garden”

Volume 17-2, Summer 2013
Burge, Dylan O. “The Pine Hill Region: An Island of Plant Diversity in the Sierra Nevada”
Keator, Glenn “Rare Plants of the Pine Hill Area”
Edwards, S.W. “If This Were Goodbye”
Burge, Dylan O. “Other Ecological Islands of the Sierra Nevada”

Volume 17-1, Spring 2013
Witham, Carol W. “Vernal Pools: Kaleidoscopes of Life”
Edwards, S.W. “Just Remembering: By a Hairsbreadth”
Keator, Glenn “Vernal Pools and Native Plant Gardens”
“Thank You to Our Donors in 2011 and 2012!”

Volume 16-4, Winter 2013
Panek, Jeanne “Conifer Exploits in California: A Perspective from 30 Stories Up”
Edwards, S.W. “Contributions of the Regional Parks Botanic Garden”
Keator, Glenn “The Other Redwoods”
Séquin , Margareta (Greti) “The Red in Redwoods: Plant Chemistry Musings About Tannins”

Volume 16-3, Fall 2012
Uhler, Michael “Dancing with Sky Pilot and Communing with Bearberry in the High Sierra”
Ingalls, Maggie “Meet Don Fuller, the Botanic Garden’s Newest Gardener”
Keator, Glenn “Another Alpine Lake in the High Sierra”

Volume 16-2, Summer 2012
Dean G. Kelch, as interpreted by Glenn Keator “Whither the Lilies?”
Keator, Glenn “The Brodiaea Clan: An Example of Change in the Classification of the Liliaceae”
Edwards, S.W. “The Continuing Mission of the Regional Parks Botanic Garden”

Volume 16-1, Spring 2012
Keator, Glenn “Lupines: Helping Create California’s Blue and Gold”
Séquin, Greti “Amazing Lupines: Colorful and Defensive”
Edwards, S.W. “Moles are Mean and Other Musings from the Canyon”
Ingalls, Maggie “Growing Lupines in the Garden”

Volume 15-4, Winter 2012
Edwards, S. W. “Looking for Some High-Class California Cacti in the Wild”
Ingram, Stephen “California Cactus Flowers and Their Pollinators”
Keator, Glenn “The Cactus Clan: Cactaceae”
Rosenthal, Sue (review) “Cacti, Agaves, and Yuccas of California and Nevada” by Stephen Ingram

Volume 15-3, Fall 2011
Uhler, Mike “Island of Fogs”
Keator, Glenn “Thoughts on Island Floras and Their Influence on Gardens”
Ingalls, Maggie “Meet Gardener Liz Bittner”
“Thank You to Our Donors in 2010!”

Volume 15-2, Summer 2011
Keator, Glenn “The Delta and Its Vegetation”
Ingalls, Maggie “Bert Johnson on Preserving the Antioch Dunes”
Edwards, Stephen “Winking Out”
Ferner, Sarah “Marshes of San Francisco Bay: Magical Moments in Hidden Habitats”

Volume 15-1, Spring 2011
Keator, Glenn “Thoughts on Spring Wildflowers”
Rosenthal, Sue “Knowing Wildflowers by Their Names”
Edwards, Stephen “Just Remembering, Part Two”

Volume 14-4, Winter 2011
Vasey, Michael C. “Manzanitas Galore in the San Francisco Bay Area”
Keator, Glenn “Some Thoughts on Manzanitas and Their Relatives”
Edwards, Stephen “Del Puerto”

Volume 14-3, Fall 2010
Cohen, Jocelyn “Imagining Our Oaks Through Time: Care and Nurture for Their Graceful Aging”
Cohen, Jocelyn “Tips and Techniques for Oak Care”
Keator, Glenn “Some Thoughts on the Winter Garden”
Edwards, Stephen “The Myth of Green Grasses”

Volume 14-2, Summer 2010
O’Donnell, Dick “The Fresh Waters of Marin”
Keator, Glenn “Water in the Garden”
Dahl, Joe “The New Rock Mound Revisited” (with plant list)

Volume 14-1, Spring 2010
Hass, Luke “Getting the Most Out of This Year’s Plant Sale”
Roderick, Wayne “My Life Among the Clones” (reprinted from The Four Seasons, Vol. 9, No.1, December 1991)
Edwards, Stephen “Just Remembering, Part I”

Volume 13-4, Winter 2010 An issue devoted to East Bay restoration projects
Rauzon, Mark “Friends of Sausal Creek”
Tokuda, Wendy “Beaconsfield: Saving a Canyon”
Benner, Diana “What in the World Is a Restoration Nursery?”
Edwards, Stephen “Outcrops along the Way” (rock gardens in the Botanic Garden)

Volume 13-3, Fall 2009
Viess, Debbie “East Bay Amanitas: The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful”
Peay, Kabir “Getting the Dirt on Roots: An Overview of Mycorrhizal Symbiosis”
Edwards, Stephen “Our Superlative Home” (“in praise of superabundance and surpassing beauty in the natural world”)

Volume 13-2, Summer 2009
Ortiz, Beverly R. “Beyond the Tangible: Baskets as Relationship”
Shanks, Ralph “California Indian Basketry and Native Plants”
Rosenthal, Sue, a review of the book Indian Baskets of Central California: Art, Culture, and History by Ralph Shanks and Lisa Woo Shanks
Keator, Glenn “Applying Indian Methods of Managing the Environment to Native Gardens”
Edwards, Stephen “The Regional Parks Botanic Garden as Inspiration”

Volume 13-1, Spring 2009 (First color issue)
Grantham, Martin “Notes on Growing Native Ferns from Spores”
Ashley, Susan “Propagating California Native Shrubs at Home”
Keator, Glenn “Gardening with Ferns”
O’Donnell, Dick “Restoration of the Oat Hill Mine Trail”
Edwards, Stephen “Gregory Whipple, Garden Legend”

Volume 12-4, Winter 2009
Schindler, Mary, Gordon Frankie, Robbin Thorp, Jennifer Hernandez, and Jaime Pawelek “Mission: Bee Watch”
Rosenthal, Sue, “Too Much Mulch?”
McCondochie, Jo “In the Garden: A Tribute to Carrie Sprague”
Dreskin, Wendy “Butterflies on Ring Mountain”
Keator, Glenn “The Role of Pollination”
Edwards, Stephen “Manzanitamania”

Volume 12-3, Fall 2008
Edwards, Stephen “Ancient Forests of California”
Keator, Glenn “Darwin’s Abominable Mystery: The Origin of the Flowering Plants”
Rosenthal, Sue “Meet Gardener Cat Daffer”
Rosenthal, Sue “Our Sister Gardens to the South”
Dahl, Joe “Evolution of the Desert Section”

Volume 12-2, Summer 2008
Thayer, Christopher “Tarweeds of California, the East Bay, and Beyond”
Thayer, Christopher “Tarweeds (Madiinae) of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties” (a table)
Keator, Glenn “Waterwise Gardening in a Drought”
Haas, Luke “Jenny Fleming’s Garden”
Rosenthal, Sue “Marian Reeve (1920-2008)”
Edwards, Stephen “Roof Tales, Part Two”

Volume 12-1: Spring 2008
O’Brien, Bart “Taxonomy and Cultivated Plants”
Jackson, Jean “People” (Jeanne Ateljevich)
Keator, Glenn “Observations on My New Native Front Garden”
Edwards, Stephen “Alkali Sink Surprise” (a few rare plants in an “alkali barren”)
Rosenthal, Sue “Jenny Fleming: 1924-2008″

Volume 11-4, Winter 2008
Bornstein, Carol “By the Light of the Silvery Moon” (a moonlit garden)
Keator, Glenn “More Plants for Night Viewing”
Sprague, Carrie “In the Garden” (location in the Garden of plants mentioned in the Bornstein article)
Eckhardt, Pat “Seeds are Forever” (propagation of seeds and bulbs)
Edwards, Stephen “Roof Tales, Part One” (James Roof)
McCondochie, Jo “Friends-An Update”

Volume 11-3, Fall 2007
Keator, Glenn “Oaks, Acorns, and Galls”
Edwards, Stephen “Deciding for Plants”
Keator, Glenn “Gardening with Oaks”
Sprague, Carrie “Starting a Native Plant Garden”
McCondochie, Jo and Celia Ronis “Voices from the Past” (excerpt from the original guide to the Garden)

Volume 11-2, Summer 2007
Fross, David “Pentimento” ( a painting term-a canvas reconsidered and painted over-in this case the evolution of his garden)
Keator, Glenn “More Thoughts on the Evolution of Gardens”
Agnew, Susan “What’s New in the Garden”
Edwards, Stephen “The Cedar Man” (thoughts on cedars)
Cohen, Jocelyn “Off to a Good Start: Selecting and Pruning Young Plants for our Native Gardens”

Volume 11-1, Spring 2007
Van Soelen, Philip “Running a Native Plant Nursery”
Edwards, Stephen “Open the Gates” (in praise of the Garden)
Rosenthal, Sue “Wild Plants in Our Beds: Bringing New Plants into the Garden”
Keator, Glenn “All About Nursery-Bought Plants”
Allen, Gert “People” (Maggie Cutler)

Volume 10-4, Winter 2007
Cohen, Jocelyn “Pruning Natives for Health & Aesthetics in Our California Gardens”
Keator, Glenn “Plant Growth”
McCondochie, Jo and Ronis, Celia “Curiosity in the Garden, or Where the Dickens Did That Come From?” (origins of a specially collected Douglas iris)
Edwards, Stephen “This Hallowed Corner” (origin of the Wayne Roderick lecture series)

Volume 10-3, Fall 2006
Keator, Glenn “A Vegetational Transect Across Southern California”
Edwards, Stephen “Wild-But Not That Wild” (the Garden’s mission) “People” (Joe Dahl)
Schmidt, Marjorie “Growing Wooly Blue-Curls” (from a series compiled by CNPS)
Sprague, Carrie “In the Garden” (plants mentioned in Glenn’s article)

Volume 10-2, Summer 2006
Clebsch, Betsy ”Hummingbird Sage: Fresh and New Selections”
Edwards, Stephen “A Subscription to Desolation” (loss of wildflowers in our grasslands)
Keator, Glenn “The Genus Salvia”
Cutler, Maggie “People” (Sue Novak)
Keator, Glenn “Places to See Salvias Close to the Bay Area”
Sprague, Carrie “…Salvias in the Garden”

Volume 10-1, Spring 2006
Rosenthal, Sue “Ribes: the Loveliest Genus in the Grossulariaceae”
Keator, Glenn “Some Poorly Known Ribes Worthy of Gardens”
Edwards, Stephen “Babes in Forbland” (observations by early explorers in the Bay Area)
Edwards, Stephen “Some Uses for Ribes in the Garden”
Schmidt, Marjorie “Growing Pink Currant” (Ribes sanguineum var. glutinosum) (from a series compiled by CNPS)

Volume 9-4, Winter 2006
Sprague, Carrie “Mushrooms”
Keator, Glenn “Diversity Among Fungi”
Edwards, Stephen “Evolving Californians” (California’s native plants provide evidence supporting evolutionary theory)
Keator, Glenn “Identifying Fungi”

Volume 9-3, Fall 2005
Keator, Glenn “Across California: The Sierra Nevada”
Edwards, Stephen “Before the Snow Falls” (reflections on season’s end in the Sierras)
Cutler, Maggie “People” (Mike Uhler)
Sprague, Carrie “…in the Garden” (where to find plants mentioned in Glenn’s article in the Garden)
Schmidt, Marjorie “Growing Big-Leaf Maple (Acer macrophyllum)” (from a series compiled by CNPS)
Smith, Nevin “Growing the Western Columbine (Aquilegia formosa) (from a series compiled by CNPS)

Volume 9-2, Summer 2005
Game, John “Rare Plants in the Marble Mountains”
Sprague, Carrie “People” (Eibleis Larkin Melendez)
Edwards, Stephen “Disjunct but Not Forgotten” (disjunct populations of plants)
Schmidt, Marjorie “Growing Leopard Lily (Lilium pardalinum) (from a series compiled by CNPS)
Keator, Glenn “Vegetation of the Siskiyou Mountains”
Keator, Glenn “In the Garden” (where to find plants mentioned in Glenn’s article in the Garden)

Volume 9-1, Spring 2005
Thomas, Gene “California’s Milkweeds”
Edwards, Stephen “A Tale of Two Mortars” (local Native American mortars)
Keator, Glenn “Report on the Desert’s Bountiful Wildflowers”
Keator, Glenn “The Life Cycle of the Monarch” (excerpted from the Pismo Beach Visitor’s Information Guide)
Keator, Glenn “Places to see Various Milkweeds”

Volume 8-4, Winter 2005
Keator, Glenn “Across California: A look at the dry side of Bay Area vegetation”
Edwards, Stephen “Volunteers”
Schmidt, Marjorie “The Genus Arctostaphylos” (from a series compiled by CNPS)
Sprague, Carrie “In the Garden” (plants mentioned in Glenn Keator’s article in this issue)
Editors “An Unrivaled Spring in California’s Deserts”
Johnson, Bert “Growing Manzanitas”

Volume 8-3, Fall 2004
Keator, Glenn “Across California: A look at how geography and climate affect vegetation”
McCondochie, Jo “On Growing Natives from Seed”
Schmidt, Marjorie “Holiday Decorations I”
Roderick, Wayne “Holiday Decorations II”
Sprague, Carrie “”In the Garden” (where to find plants mentioned in this issue in the Garden)
Sprague, Carrie “Some Resources” (for propagating native plants from seed)

Volume 8-2, Summer 2004
O’Brien, Bart “Summer in California Gardens”
Edwards, Stephen “Standing Up for Sagebrush, Corn Lilies, Irises, and Other Weeds”
Keator, Glenn “Thoughts on Summer Gardens”
Sprague, Carrie “In the Garden” (where to find plants mentioned in this issue in the Garden)
Schmidt, Marjorie “Growing Summer Holly” (from a series compiled by CNPS)

Volume 8-1, Spring 2004
Beatty, Russell “Spring in California Gardens”
Edwards, Stephen “Painter as Gardener”
Keator, Glenn “The Other Side of a Native Spring Garden”
Roderick, Wayne and Hildreth, W. Richard “Propagation of Native Plants with Bulbs, Tubers, Corms, Rhizomes, and Rootstocks, Part II” (excerpted from Fremontia Vol. 3, #1, April 1975.)

Volume 7-4, Winter 2004
Roderick, Wayne “Wildflower Haunts of California” (excerpted from Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society, Vol. 48, #1, winter 1990)
Edwards, Stephen “The Excellent Director” (about Wayne Roderick)
Roderick, Wayne and Hildreth, W. Richard “Propagation of Native Plants with Bulbs, Tubers, Corms, Rhizomes and Rootstocks, Part I” (excerpted from Fremontia, Vol. 3#, 1, April1975.)
Roderick, Wayne “Notes on Growing Native Annuals” (from Fremontia Vol. 5, #1, April 1977)

Volume 7-3, Fall 2003
Fross, David “Brown Is a Color, Too”
Keator, Glenn “Fall in the Native Garden” “Remembering Wayne Roderick”
Edwards, Stephen “Land of Discovery” (new plant communities along Cantua Creek)
Sprague, Carrie “In the Garden” (plants mentioned in David Fross’s article)

Volume 7-2, Summer 2003
Keator, Glenn “Flora of the Shasta-Klamath Region of California’s Northwest”
Sprague, Carrie “Place Names in Northwestern California”
Edwards, Stephen “The First Friends” (history of the Botanic Garden)
Roof, James B. “Floral Watch on Siskiyou County’s Cook and Green Pass” (condensed from The Four Seasons, Vol. 5, #1, 1975)

Volume 7-1, Spring 2003
Amme, David “Creating a Native Meadow”
Keator, Glenn “Meadows and Meadow Gardens”
Middlebrook, Alrie “The Fine Art of Creating a California Wildflower Meadow”

Volume 6-4, Winter 2003
Rosenthal, Sue “Wayne Roderick: Still Plant-Happy After All These Years”
Edwards, Stephen “Walter” (on the passing of Walter Knight)
Keator, Glenn “Thoughts on Botanical Exploration Today”
Sprague, Carrie “Origin of the Species Trifolium jokerstii”
Donlon, Rosemary F. “Lester Rowntree”

Volume 6-3, Fall 2002
Schmid, Rudolf “Turn! Turn! Turn! Autumn Color in California”
Edwards, Stephen “On the Advantages of a Label Garden”
Keator, Glenn “California Natives in the Fall”
Sprague, Carrie “In the Garden” (fall colors in the Botanic Garden)
Séquin, Margareta (Greti) “A Look at the Chemistry of Fall Colors”
Keator, Glenn “In the Wild” (places to see fall color in Northern California)

Volume 6-2, Summer 2002
Rosenthal, Sue “I Got the Penstemon Blues”
Edwards, Stephen “Bigfoot” (in memory of the Botanic Garden cat)
Keator, Glenn “California Penstemons”
Edwards, Stephen “Calling All Docents, Friends, and Volunteers” (a request)
Dahl, Joe “Propagating Penstemons”
Séquin, Margareta (Greti) “Pigments in Penstemons”
Keator, Glenn “In the Wild” (some Bay Area locations to see native penstemons and keckiellas) Some Penstemon Sources-Seed and Plants

Volume 6-1, Spring 2002
Keator, Glenn “Ponds and Other Wetlands in California”
Séquin, Margareta (Greti) “Water Chemistry of Ponds and Creeks”
Edwards, Stephen “Learning How to Have a Pond”
Schwartz, Susan “Creek Restoration”

Volume 5-4, Winter 2002
Roderick, Wayne “Early Plant Explorers of the Pacific Coast” (excerpted from an article written for the Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society, Vol. 36, #2, Spring 1978 )
Edwards, Stephen “Remembering Jimmy Vale”
Johnson, Bert “Fieldtrip Excursions with James B. Roof”
Sprague, Carrie “In the Garden” (plants mentioned in Wayne Roderick’s article)
Keator, Glenn “Recent Discoveries of Native Plants”

Volume 5-3, Fall 2001
Edwards, Stephen “The Garden’s Role in Cultivar Introduction”
Grantham, Martin “Grow Your Own from Cuttings”
Danielsen, Charli “Native Here Nursery” “Resources for the Northern California Native Plant Gardener”

Volume 5-2, Summer 2001
Keator, Glenn “California’s Coastal Bluffs”
Edwards, Stephen “Bear Valley Saved”
Allen, Gert “From the Friends”
Moritsch, Barbara, “Iceplant Threat to the Point Reyes Headlands”
Dahl, Joe “Sea Bluff Plants for the Rock Garden”
Roof, James “Some Lines on a Sea-Bluff Garden” (compiled from a Four Seasons article, Vol. 2, #4)

Volume 5-1, Spring 2001
Edwards, Stephen “Notes on the California Chaparral” ”Bushwacking Chamisal”
Keator, Glenn “What is Chaparral?”
Allen, Gert “From the Friends”
Johnson, Bert “Chaparral in the Wild and in Your Garden”
Séquin, Margareta (Greti) “Smells of the Chaparral”
Sprague, Carrie “In the Garden” (chaparral plants in the Garden)

Volume 4-4, Winter 2001
Keator, Glenn “California’s Deserts”
Edwards, Stephen “The Gathering of Night” (experiencing the Garden at night)
Greenberg, Katherine “The President’s Message: Friends of the Garden” (her farewell message)
Sprague, Carrie “In the Garden” (the Southern California section)
Rosenthal, Sue “In Memory of Dr. Robert Ornduff”
Hendrickson, Larry “Threats to Native Plants of the Sonoran Desert”
Sprague, Carrie “People” (Katherine Greenberg)

Volume 4-3, Fall 2000
Fross, David “Fire on the Ridge” (1994 fire in San Luis Obispo County)
Edwards, Stephen “The Compassionate Gardener”
Keator, Glenn “Plant Adaptations to Fire” “Some Plants That Respond to Fire”
Greenberg, Katherine “The President’s Message: Garden News”
Grantham, Martin “Smoke Treatment for Improved Seed Germination”
Dahl, Joe “Fire as a Tool in the Garden”
Sprague, Carrie “People” (Teresa Leung-Ryan)
Allen, Gert, Jo McCondochie, Celia Ronis, Sue Rosenthal “Exploring the White Mountains”

Volume 4-2, Summer 2000
Marcopulos, George “Soils: An Iconoclastic Approach”
Edwards, Stephen “Serpentinophilia”
Keator, Glenn “Soils and What Plants Need”
Greenberg, Katherine “The President’s Message: News of the Garden”
Sprague, Carrie “In the Garden” (soil conditions in the Garden)
Mahoney, Don “Container Soils for Natives”
Dahl, Joe “Raised Beds in the Botanic Garden”
Rosenthal, Sue “Remembering Es Anderson”

Volume 4-1, Spring 2000
Keator, Glenn “A Survey of California’s Ferns”
Grantham, Martin “California Native Cheilanthoid Ferns”
Keator, Glenn “The Botany of Ferns”
Greenberg, Katherine “The President’s Message: 60 Years of the Regional Parks Botanic Garden”
Edgren, Margery “California Native Ferns from Spore to Sporophyte”
Sprague, Carrie “In the Garden” (ferns)

Volume 3-4, Winter 2000
McRae, Pat “Indian Uses of Native Plants” (from conversations with Wayne Roderick)
Edwards, Stephen “The First Californians”
Greenberg, Katherine “The President’s Message: Going Native” (our first symposium)
Kidder, Norm “Introduction to Tule Ethnobotany”
Keator, Glenn “Ethnobotany”
Sprague, Carrie “People” (Beverly Christenson)
Sprague, Carrie “In the Garden” (Indian use plants in the Garden)

Volume 3-3, Fall 1999
Rosenthal, Sue “The Tall Tree Forest: California’s Coast Redwoods”
Edwards, Stephen “Some Garden Wildlife”
Keator, Glenn “The Botany of Redwoods”
Greenberg, Katherine “The President’s Message: Projects and Programs”
Sprague, Carrie “People” (Jenny and Scott Fleming)
Keator, Glenn “In the Wild” (coast redwoods)

Volume 3-2, Summer 1999
Dahl, Joe “The Role of the Regional Parks Botanic Garden in the Preservation of Rare Plants”
Greenberg, Katherine “The President’s Message: www.nativeplants” (the Friends website)
Keator, Glenn “The Botany Behind Rare and Endangered Plants”
Sprague, Carrie “In the Garden” (rare plants in the Garden)
Anderson, Es “People” (Margaret Hilliard Hackley Gwinn)
McRae, Pat “The Center for Plant Conservation”

Volume 3-1, Spring 1999
Johnson, Bert “Ceanothus in California”
Edwards, Stephen “The Antioch Dunes and Us”
Keator, Glenn “The Genus Ceanothus”
Greenberg, Katherine “The President’s Message: Collecting for the Garden”
Sprague, Carrie “In the Garden” (Ceanothus)
Sprague, Carrie “People” (Jock and Es Anderson)
Greenberg, Katherine “Oral Histories”

Volume 2-4, Winter 1999
Junak, Steve “California’s Channel Islands”
Edwards, Stephen “The Joys of Hand-Watering”
Keator, Glenn ”Some Special Plants from the Channel Islands”
Dahl, Joe “The Channel Island Section of the Botanic Garden”
Greenberg, Katherine “The President’s Message: Winter”
Sprague, Carrie “People” (Joe Dahl)

Volume 2-3, Fall 1998
Libby, Bill “California’s Pines”
Edwards, Stephen “Retirement of Al Seneres”
Keator, Glenn “The Botany of Pines”
Amme, David “The Endangered Guadalupe Island Pine”
Sprague, Carrie “People” (Britt Thorsnes)
Sprague, Carrie “Pines in the Garden”
Greenberg, Katherine “The President’s Message: Fall”

Volume 2-2, Summer 1998
Rosenthal, Sue “California’s Wild Buckwheats”
Edwards, Stephen “A Visit with the Little Prince” (ode to an oak)
Keator, Glenn “The Botany of Buckwheats”
Greenberg, Katherine “The President’s Message: Grants and New Board Members”
Sprague, Carrie “People” (Maggie Ely)
Sprague, Carrie “Eriogonums in the Garden”
Keator, Glenn “…and in the Wild” (areas to find buckwheats)
McCondochie, Jo “Santa Cruz Island Sojourn”
McRae, Pat “Lester Rowntree as Revealed by Rosemary Donlon”

Volume 2-1, Spring 1998
Robinett, Jim and Georgie “Bulbs of California”
Edwards, Stephen “Winter Shades” (plants in the Garden that “didn’t make it”)
Keator, Glenn “The Botany of Bulbs”
Keator, Glenn “Hot Spots” (California native bulbs around and beyond the Bay Area)
Roderick, Wayne “A Few Tips from an Expert”
Greenberg, Katherine, “The President’s Message: Our Anniversary”
Sprague, Carrie “People” (Bert Johnson)
Sprague, Carrie “Bulbs in the Garden”
Anderson, Es “From the Garden Volunteers: Twentieth Annual Plant Sale”

Volume 1-3, Winter 1998
Keator, Glenn “The Oaks: a remarkable group of enduring trees and shrubs”
Edwards, Stephen “Autumn Nostalgia”
Keator, Glenn “The Botany of Oaks”
Greenberg, Katherine “The President’s Message: Docent Tours”
Ortiz, Beverly R. “Oaks and California Indians”
Sprague, Carrie “People” (Glenn Keator)
Edwards, Stephen “Regional Parks Botanic Garden Endowment”
McRae, Pat “Oaks in the Garden”
Ateljevich, Jeanne and Katherine Greenberg “Care of Existing Oaks”
Ateljevich, Jeanne and Katherine Greenberg “A Partial List of Plants That Are Suitable for Planting Under Oaks”

Volume 1-2, Fall 1997
Amme, David “An Introduction to California’s Native Grasses”
Edwards, Stephen “SCoRI” (the southern inner coast ranges)
Keator, Glenn “The Grass Family: Poaceae”
Margolin, Malcolm “The Seed Meadow” (excerpted from The Ohlone Way)
Greenberg, Katherine “The President’s Message: Autumn Grasses”
Danielsen, Charli “Propagating Grasses at Native Here Nursery”
Sprague, Carrie “People” (Wayne Roderick)
Edwards, Stephen “Splendid Grasses” (a compilation from “A Californian Treasury of Native Perennial Grasses” and “Ten Splendid Grasses”)
Edwards, Stephen “In the Wild” (places to see native bunchgrasses)
Resources for native grass associations and further reading

Volume 1-1, Summer 1997
Greenberg, Katherine “The Genus Arctostaphylos”
Greenberg, Katherine “The President’s Message: Welcome!”
Edwards, Stephen “A Refuge for Plants, Birds, and People”
Keator, Glenn “The Botany of Manzanitas”
Johnson, Bert “Manzanita Mania”
Sprague, Carrie “People” (Stephen Edwards)
Anderson, Es “From the Garden Volunteers: Plant Sale a Success”
Anderson, Es “A recipe for manzanita cider“
Anderson, Es ”In the Wild” (nearby places to explore for manzanitas)