Pollinators/Polinizadores in the Garden: A Tour for Communities of Color and Allies

Pollinators in the Garden: A Tour for Communities of Color and Allies.
Sunday, April 16, 10:00–11:30 a.m. Meet at the Botanic Garden Visitor Center.
Great for families! Free; no registration needed
Join Regional Parks Naturalist Paula Urtecho and friends from the Xerces
Society to learn why pollinators are so important to the lives of many bird
and animal species, including humans, and what you can do to help protect
them. We’ll explore which pollinators are present in the Botanic Garden and
take a closer look at some of them. Program will be Spanish/English bilingual.

Únase a Naturalista Paula Urtecho y amigos de la Sociedad Xerces para
aprender por que son tan importantes las abejas y las mariposas para la
vida de muchas especies de aves y animales, inclusivo los humanos, y que
podemos hacer para proteger nuestros polinizadores. Exploraremos cuales
polinizadores están presentes en el Jardín Botánico y examinaremos
algunos. No hay registro; programa gratis.

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