Friends of the Garden


Franciscan manzanita (Arctostaphylos hookeri) with Redbud (Cercis occidentalis) Photo: ©Saxon Holt/Photo Botanic

Franciscan manzanita with redbud tree Photo: ©Saxon Holt/Photo Botanic

The Friends of the Regional Parks Botanic Garden, a part of the Regional Parks Foundation, is an all volunteer-run organization dedicated to supporting the Garden’s important work in education, horticulture, and conservation of California native plants. Since our founding in 1996, the Friends organization has provided funding for many important Garden projects including: the Crevice Garden, plant collection field trips, docent training, path building, and planting bed improvement. By joining the Friends, you contribute directly to preserving and enhancing the Garden for the benefit of all visitors.

Friends Leadership Council

David Sherertz, Co-Chair
Marilyn Siegel, Co-Chair
Liz Horowitz, Secretary
Dave Savidge, Treasurer

Susan Billings
Stephanie Bodoff
Renee Cheney-Cohen
Bob Finkel
Rosalie Gonzales
Roz Hardy
Doris Kretschmer

Advisory Council

Glenn Keator, Chair
Russ Beatty
Rolf Benseler
Janet Cobb
Susan D’Alcamo
Barbara Ertter
Mike Evans
Phyllis Faber
Wilma Follette
Roman Gankin
Katherine Greenberg
Neil Havlik
Roger Raiche
Mary and Lew Reid
Warren Roberts
Jake Sigg
Nevin Smith
Bian Tan
Lew Truesdell
Richard Turner
Stewart Winchester
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