Four Seasons

First Issue of Four Seasons, 1964

First Issue of Four Seasons, 1964

First published in 1964, The Four Seasons is an annual journal devoted to natural history, biology, ecology, conservation, botany, and horticulture, with emphasis on the native plants of California and the California Floristic Province. The editor and our editorial board welcome submission of original articles, either technical or popular, on these topics.

Effective May 1, 2018, subscriptions to The Four Seasons may be obtained by direct subscription to a full volume (four issues) of The Four Seasons. The cost of a current subscription to Volume 15 (four issues, starting in 2018), mailed to USA addresses, is $90.00; individual issue subscriptions are $25.00 per issue.

Contact the Botanic Garden via email for subscription payment information, and for the cost of foreign subscriptions. Further information about The Four Seasons can be found on this Regional Parks Foundation subscription form.

Manuscripts or inquiries may be sent by:
Editor, The Four Seasons
Regional Parks Botanic Garden
c/o East Bay Regional Park District
2950 Peralta Oaks Court
Oakland, CA 94605

Editor, The Four Seasons

Editor, The Four Seasons
(510) 544-3169

Individual numbers of previous issues, if available, may be purchased separately as follows:
$25.00 each starting with the first color issue (Volume 13, Number 2, 2008 and continuing to the present).
$3.00 each for earlier black-and-white issues (Volume 1, Number 1, 1964 to Volume 13, Number 1, 2007).
Volume 6, Number 3, 1981 Includes an index to the first five volumes of The Four Seasons (covering from 1964-1978).
Previous issue prices include “printed matter” postage to U.S. addresses.
Postage cost for foreign orders provided on request.
For more information on orders and payments, please contact:

ATTN: The Four Seasons
Regional Parks Botanic Garden
c/o Tilden Regional Park
Berkeley, CA 94708-2396

The Table of Contents below lists the titles of articles in all published issues. Some issues are no longer available, so please email or call the Garden at (510) 544-3169 to confirm availability of the issues you want to purchase before sending your order.

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