California Native Peoples and Plants Tour Form

CNPP Tour Transportation Funding Application

The Regional Parks Botanic Garden offers a California Native Peoples and Plants program to complement the California Indian unit for 4th graders. The program includes a 90-minute educational field trip which provides students with a hands-on experience as they learn how California Indians used plants in their region to meet most of their needs for food, shelter, tools, clothing and social time together.


Transportation costs are covered by the Friends of Regional Parks Botanic Garden for schools in Oakland and West Contra Costa School Districts in which at least 50 percent of the student population qualifies for the Federal School Lunch Program and are a 4th grade class currently studying the California Indian Unit. If you teach in an eligible school in Oakland Unified or West Contra Costa, please submit this form to apply. We require requests to be submitted 2 months in advance to your request date of visit, but we recommend submitting your request sooner, since funds are limited.

Note: Groups are limited to 30 students max and require a ratio of 1 adult chaperone for every 5 students.

School District (required):
Name of School (required):
Address of School/Pick-up/Drop-off Address (required):
Grade of Students (required):
Number of Students - maximum 30 (required):
Teacher's Name (required):
Email Address (required):
Email address Alternative (required):
Phone (required):
Best way to contact you (choose one)
 phone text email

During which month(s) do you present this unit?

Please specify first and second choice dates for field trip. Field trips are scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays of the each week. Rain or poor air quality will cancel fields trips. We need at least one month to schedule docent and bus service.

Tour Date Choice #1: (required):
Tour Date Choice #2: (required):

If the Botanic Garden provides transportation costs, what documentation must we provide for your District approval?

Comments or Questions:

For further information reach the Regional Parks Botanic Garden at 510 544-3169 or

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